Friday, May 29, 2009

Tragic Winter Winter Times

Hello Fellow Frog Fanatics...

I understand the tough times you are all facing at the moment. Yes there is a recession, but more importantly it is that time of the year where our wonderful frog/ toad brethren leave us to go to a better place. A happier place. It causes me great pain to hear my friends croaking there last croak in the rivers and what's more there is nothing being done to stop it. No articles in the newspaper, no UN, no Greenpeace. Essentially we are allowing this epidemic to continue- unchecked. The time has come my friends to establish Frog marshall law. We need to round up as many friendly frogs as possible and take them into our homes. Welcome them with open arms. As we all know 'captive' frogs/ toads can survive for many years in captivity and therefore the responsibility is on us to keep this species alive. create a quasi exchange program if you will. let your kids take them to school, maybe make them earn their keep. Wash dishes etc. Th myth that frogs/ toads can survive winter is one which must be crushed, one human at a time. If we don't take action soon, people, good people all over the world will live with this lie. A lie that goes to the highest levels of government. The greatest conspiracy of them all...

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